Archive for September, 2011

Critical Analysis of Youtube Video : The Most Interesting Man

September 22, 2011

Marvin Flambert

Weekly Response #3

Critically Analyzing YouTube Video

When elaborating on the 5 critical questions the first to take into consideration is Who is the author and what is the purpose of the advertisement? In this istance the author is Dos Equis a Mexican beer manufacturing company. The purpose of this ad is to persuade the audience and target demographic that this brand of beer is the epitome of a manly mans beer and that those who indulge will be like the gentlemen (the most interesting man) depicted in the advertisement. More or less the commercial attempts to sway its audience into purchasing Dos Equis to be manly and “cool”.

Next one would need to take in account what creative techniques are used to attract and hold attention? There are numerous methods used in this ad to draw and maintain attention such as the display of multiple women surrounding and being found in the company of the most interesting man. Different cut scenes portraying him as an older and seasoned yet virile man as well as him in his youth (editing). He is shown as a man of strength, courage, and invisibility. While these are all visual tools for the audience the narration throughout the ad is just as prevalent in further perpetuating the theme of the basic premise. The man speaking describes him as the man other men want to be and women want to be with. His tone of voice, jargon, and comical statements all aid in the driving the point the commercial attempts to make. Even the music helps (audio).

Following this one may consider how might different people understand this message? For the most part people will find this ad amusing. I doubt anyone would take this and interpret it to be something literal. Those of us who know better will understand that the ad is simply attempting to draw in customers behind the idea of being “the most interesting man in the world” Which doesn’t occur from drinking beer. Those of us who don’t know much better maybe believe Dos Equis will some how make their lives better or make them cooler. Others will disregard the message if they just enjoy a good beer. What lifestyles values and points of view are represented?
Lifestyles of the rich and adventurous are portrayed. The most interesting man is shown engaging in partying, treading through nature, brushing with death, enjoying lovely women, etc. Drinking a brand of beer will make you or get you none of this. Values and points of you depicted are the idea of being a “manly man” being cool or interesting. Being the life of the party.
What is omitted?Drinking beer doesn’t make you charismatic, will not provide or a support a lavish lifestyle, doesn’t make you invisible, won’t get you women, doesn’t make you more or less interesting than you already maybe. All beer provides you with is a buzz, a beer belly, and liver complications if used excessively over time.